The Magnificent Seven Just to

The Magnificent Seven

Just to name few The Magnificent Seven why i would state something like this. Trust. Do people really trust movie service provider to store their movies? What happens to your movies if your movie provider goes bankruptcy? In traditional disk you only have to trust your seller to ship it or hand it to you after you pay them. With digital copy if you dont have that copy in your pc you might have to trust them rest of your life. Number of choices. What if your movie provider doesnt for some reason distribute movie you wantreally old or not so liked movie? You have to go to other providers service and create new account. Do you really want to remeber what movies you have under every service provider when you have registered lets say to 4-5 proviers? I just dont think movie studios will allow you to store movies on your own pc since they want to be in control of their product even after you have bought it. If they did only hdd crash is needed to loose your whole collection. Like already stated here more and more isp:s are setting caps how mutch you can download. Even if they didnt, BD/Hd dvd quality videoaudio material would take so mutch bandwidth most of people wouldt have that good bandwidth. We are talking over 20mb/s speeds here. If you can not watch it as live steam while you download one can make a argument that it is faster to go store and buy the damn thing. How to give something like this as a present? Do you write something on the paper and wrap it up? At least i would prefer disk. 5 Can you sell them? in loved and hated steam service game online distribution you cannot sell your games. For me steam is grate service since it hides most of the drm, cd-keys, etc so you just have to push play and i havent ever sold my games. Games are also mutch more frequently used than movies so they get scratches faster. None of my movies have gone unplayable, but same cant be said about my non steam games. So my prediction is that in less than 10 years Online distribution will remain under 30% and will mostly be used as rental service. If im wrong it is because us and other countries for some reason suddenly want to put alot of money on internet network mainly to replace old cables with fiberoptics. You have those issues but I think that if terrestrial providers looked at what they could sale through the internet with speeds increasing for core cities they could sale TV channels through the net, with all the possible small revenue streams they can get stead money out of they wont be able to lock subscription content to the TV/cable/Sat anymore. with a few bucks they can sing what ever you like. They dont just change their minds they are not that stupid. What i dont get with some people so what if BD lives or die? so what? why you care so much what will happen to BD? Streaming content will never be able to replace physical media, no matter if it is called BD, DVD, flash drives or what ever that will be. Either way right now BD is the only HD physical media available and it is supported from a lot companies, IMO i dont thing that BD will go away that easy. with a few bucks they can sing what ever you like. They dont just change their minds they are not that stupid. What i dont get with some people so what if BD lives or die? so what? why you care so much what will happen to BD? Streaming content will never be able to replace physical media, no matter if it is called BD, DVD, flash drives or what ever that will be. Either way right now BD is the only HD physical media available and it is supported from a lot companies, IMO i dont thing that BD will go away that easy. Look at it like this in 20 years when cell phones and most wireless devices can stream full HD, why would the industrys waste time and money creating another Pharisaical format? When its cheaper and easier to just sell sht online. Yeah of how people listened to Obamas content before voting for him? I know this is off topic but i feel i had to say this. You cant hold one man accountable in just a few weeks for what another man has done over the last 8 years. A while after bush was in office he tried to pass a law giving big companies the choice to whether or not they payed employees at overtime rate once they had passed their 40hr in a week. Thank god it didnot pass but there was a friend i use to work with who went around with a petition as well as others had petitions sent in to the government showing their displeasure with the idea. This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 08 Feb 2009 5:59 Yeah of how people listened to Obamas content before voting for him? I know this is off topic but i feel i had to say this. You cant hold one man accountable in just a few weeks for what another man has done over the last 8 years. Ture, though I would blame Chaney more than anything, Dubya was the failed business man remember. I can;t blame him for much hes not a thinker nor a intellectual just another person whos high amongst his peers because who his dad was. Now sorry automatic politician disrespect mode is hard to un automate:P Obama is a suit and a rather nice to see soemone whos capable of of thinking and lying at the same time in high office, again no disrespect to Obama but politicians are crooks its just a fact of life, but at least Obama gives me hope Government is returning to The Magnificent Seven of jenusaque. The reapers fed themselfs fat and let their corporate fuck buddies do what they wanted, while the dims got in on the The Magnificent Seven the 2 party system has failed us as is moving further away from founding documents of the nation. We need to get back to majority rule not rule land slides, we need to lower and limit what the noble class of officials make and can do in and out of Well, coming from a forecasting find that after dawn article absolutely and utterly worthless.

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