The english patient 1996 part 1

The english patient 1996 part 1

There Suzuki, Miyazaki and some others enjoyed a SEGA game arcade. They rode a virtual space simulation and all felt it was amazing. Except for Miyazaki, who told, Im never deceived by such cheap illusions. Interestingly, when Miyazaki started working on the e-conte of On Your Mark, Suzuki found it contained a similar image to that from the SEGA ride. Miyazaki seemed to had taken an idea from it the english patient 1996 part 1 said, I can make a much better one than that of SEGA. 26th of October, MIYAZAKI TALKS NEXT MOVIE, HOTTA AND PONYO: This week NTV s Zoom in Super talked to Miyazaki Hayao at Kanagawa Museum of Modern Literature, which is currently holding a special Hotta Yoshie Exhibition subtitled The Troublous Times Depicted by Ghibli. Question: Why is Ponyo a kingyo goldfish? Miyazaki: In my first concept, it was a tin frog. However, frog stories are commonplace and as we usually take about 3 years to complete a movie, avoiding trends like that is a necessity. They often become out of date when the movie is finally completed note: Miyazaki refers to popular animations like Kerero Gunso and the older Dokonjo Gaeru. Some time ago, before the TV age, a tin kingyo was very popular as a kid bath toy. So I thought it was better. Miyazaki: That is a difficult question to answer. When I get a book that seems interesting and I dont have to get up early next morning I usually read books in bed Before reading I just smoke and that is the happiest time for me. Or talking about a movie just after I the english patient 1996 part 1 an idea that can be turned into a movie, that is the most pleasant time. After that, production starts and so does the misery. Question: How about your next movie? Miyazaki: After finishing a movie, I want to make one that is quite different. For example, a live action movie might be nice. However, Im sure we cant recover the costs. Itll take a lot of money. When I told Suzuki about it, he replied that he would only permit a 30 million Yen budget laughing. With such small money its impossible to make any kind of movie. Anyway, I dont think I must make animation only. No problem with live action. To tell the truth, I have a clear idea about what I want to make, though Ill never tell other people what it is note: the way Miyazaki speaks does not imply he will surely make a live-action film, but rather leaves all options open.

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