Tales of terror band Sadly the

Tales of terror band

Sadly the Blu-ray aholes want to spend zillions which means of our money, ultimately, if we buy into it on a closed fenced off supposedly anti-piracy future which will make life a complete pain exclude anyone tales of terror band willing to go along with their greedy little schemes. IMO that sort of stupidity is well worth opposing every time. Once more of the nuttier Blu-ray proposals become known look forward to paying for your future profile 0 is merely the last free update I think people are going to realise that the worst option won here selected by the industry, of course, not the consumer and dont try to give me that PS3 BS about this either, the a/v market chose nothing. The only good thing here is that Blu-ray probably lost too, they just havent realised it yet. In their greed I reckon they have set up a nice little niche to gouge at will but the consumer is most likely to stick resolutely to upscaling SD DVD maybe that Super Upconversion stuff will catch on; it at least is 100% compatible with existing SD DVD collections. Oh my, the 360/HD-DVD was all yippity-yappity when they thought they were winning the war. Get over your allegiance to Microsoft, or Sony, or and realize these companies dont give a hoot about silly kids arguing about my Chev 0 is faster than your Ford If you want to see the 360 go the way of the HD-DVD, then keep yelling for them to leave it as-is, and watch the next generation of games and content float tales of terror band on by. Its a freaking disc format guys not a religion. If it is indeed too slow, well then, make it faster. Is there some inherent flaw in the 5 inch BD disc that doesnt allow it to be spun as fast as the identical 5 inch CD or DVD or HD-DVD? You wont find me yelling leave it as-is. Im all for them doing whatever it takes to bring the best gaming experience. Regardless of who does it that is what it is all about. For me anyway I will be the first to tell you if the PS3 had the 360s controller and Xbox Live my 360 would be long gone by now. Its what youre used my old brain is programmed for the PS2/3 controller. The asymmetric XBOX controller is too complicated for me. ; Now that I have MediaLink for my Mac, my PS3 finally is the media platform it was meant to be. Live is definitely far ahead of the PS3 offerings, but then again, free is a hard price to argue I had a PS2 long before I had an just flat out dont like tales of terror band controller. BDA/Sony Please please please please please please put Blu-ray into your next XBox and make an add-on for the current one, you know were desperate to break out of the PS3 game console niche and will take any means possible to widen our market/appeal. Zothious You are a complete jack ass! The PS3 can do 1080P with out issues! I have never had any 1080p isuues with my 360 or PS3 just for the record. My HD-A2 seems to lose its HDMI handshake after a few hours of sitting idle though. gate1975mlm thankyou very much for the personal attack once again proving how immature the sony fanboys are.

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