Monsters vs aliens president I prefer that my own errors be

Monsters vs aliens president

I prefer that my own errors be called out so that I dont make them again. Blu-Ray is going to be a good platform. However my main sticking issue is that its too expensive and overengineered. Toshiba has the same quality and more features for half the price. Sometimes you can be superior on paper yet that doesnt translate into a better movie experience in all cases. READ MORE: BD-P1000, Blu-Ray, Hands-On, Home Entertainment, Samsung, TOP Samsung launched its BD-P1000 Blu-ray player earlier this morning and I feel I need to put my cards on the table. Ive been watching the stars and I have a gut feeling that HD DVD is going to lose this bout, friends. It will not disappear completely, but it will be an also-ran down the line. Because the electronics market runs so quickly nowstuff disappears faster they can pump it out in Taiwan. UMD is off the shelves, Zip drives gave up the ghost, and thanks to Google, Microsoft Office might be getting consumptive pretty soon. The more things change, however Samsung has produced a very interesting product. The BD-P1000 is a large, healthy device with a 20 second BRD load-time and a crisp, clean picture. On a full 1080p set, the picture is as crisp as fresh-baked pizza and the audio is surround-sound-alicious. Whereas our experience with Toshibas offering was sub-par, the brief time that we were able to spend with the BD-P1000 proved two things: Samsung knows their shit and the BR is probably the horse to bet on. The card reader doesnt do very much except display still images at HD quality. Its a nice addition, but nothing to write home about. Feel free to flame me in a year when HD DVDs become the reigning king, but BR is backed by Samsung and Sony as well as a few other players. HD DVD gets lip service, but I dont see much else coming out of that camp except for computer peripherals, which means HD might make a good backup medium down the line. In terms of usability and genuine content, however, BRD is probably the winner. Well be getting a player next week, but until then, lets mull over the various possibilities for the two formats and see what we, the Gizmodo quorum, feel. I dont normally trumpet CNET reviews but this one seems right. No editorialzing about whos going to win. Just cold hard experience. 1080i vs. 1080p was a wash. Much ado has been made of the fact that Blu-ray players can output 1080p resolution while first-generation HD-DVD players, namely the Toshiba HD-A1 and its ilk, can output only 1080i.

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