Monster lady gaga As far as

Monster lady gaga

As far as money goes, last time I checked, volunteering and donating things you already have is FREE! Unity is contagious. This is bigger than election day, we have to do our part to make this world better, and it starts in our very own homes and lives. Instead of popping an overpriced bottle to pretend you can afford it, give to the needy. Instead of surfing the web for jump-offs and celebrity gossip, surf the web for ideas and things you can do to empower yourself, family and community. Stop letting BET and MTV raise your kids! I said, Stop letting BET and MTV raise your kids! Turn off 106 Park and educate your children on the little things, such as a discussion amongst their peers, that they can do to start being the best future adult they can be. Open dialog with them. If your child knows ever word to a Solider Boy, or Lil Wayne song, or know the ins and outs of Grand Thief Auto but does not know how to count, read, or control his or herself, YOU ARE FAILING YOUR CHILD! It starts at home! Children learn by example. Stop being hypocrites and preaching to them and star teaching them by your actions and what you do. Teach your children that they do not have to follow whatever stereo type is put on our people. Teach them that is cool to learn and stand out and want to do better. TEACH, TEACH, TEACH! Teach your children that racism and hatred can change, that negativity does not have to monster lady gaga in our leadership, that our voice has to, must, and was heard. Black people are not the only ones who voted Mr. Obama in office, it was a joint effort from all races. Election day and the holidays should not be the only time when we unite. As you can see, we have the most powerful voice in the world, lets use it all year around. Dont get me wrong, fun and partying has its time and place, but when do we prioritize. Change does not happen over night, and it cant fall on one mans YOUR PART. I AM SO PROUD TO BE AMERICAN RIGHT NOW I CANNOT STOP SMILING!! I THINK I HAVE SPOKE TO EVERY WHITE PERSON I HAVE SEEN THIS MORNING!! IF OBAMA RUNS THIS COUNTRY LIKE HE DID HIS CAMPAIGN, AMERICA WE ARE IN GOOD HANDS FOR THE NEXT FOUR YEARS!!! THIS MAN BEAT MCCAINS ASS BY A LANDSLIDE AND TURNED RED STATES INTO BLUE STATES, SOMETHING NO OTHER DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTAL NOMINEE HAS EVER DONE!!! Ive got a s moobmoob321 and the rest of her monkey shyt slangers??? Cause Im black, u think I did it? Im SO PROUD! Many blessings to the whole Obama family. I have always been proud to be black, but this is an extra boost in my skennedy143 girl, where you at? You are really pretty know thats right! WOW! We did it! We elected a black president! This should give Americans around the world inspiration to know that we as people can do anything we put our mind to Oops, I spoke too s notonwelfare, but you seem to be on ritalin, youre so obsessed with Mr. Presidents name I like that, but youre drooling over Ms. Cause Im black, u think I did it? HALLELUYAH SPAM !!!!! THANK YA JESUS, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS DAY!!!!!YESSSSS, THANK YOU SPAM !!! THANK YOU AMERICA!! ESPECIALLY OH, VA, IN, NH, NV, PA, NC, NM, WHERE THESE WERE ALL BATTLE GROUND STATES AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST IOWA WHERE IT ALL STARTED!! HE MADE IT!!!!!YESSSSS!!!!!THANK YOU JESUS!!!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA, IM YELLING IT EVERYDAY, IM TAKIN IT TO THE GRAVE! Ive always been proud to be an American, but, TODAY, I am ESTATIC! CONGRATES TO THE FIRST FAMILY. THE OBAMAS IM SO OVERJOYED THAT FINALLY HISTORY SCHOOL BOOKS WILL SHOW A BLK MAN AS PRESIDENT, THAT POSTER OF THE PRESIDENTS WILL SHOW A DIVERSITY, MOST IMPORTANT MY KIDS KIDS WILL SEE YOU CAN BE PRESIDENT!!!!!THIS IS TRULY HISTORY NOT FOR US AS BLK PPL BUT FOR AMERICANS OF ALL RACE BEING TIRED AND STICKING ALL OF US IT WOULDNT HAVE BEEN WE CAAN Damn, where do you live? Im in Charleston, SC and I mustve received that text msg 7 different times last night! LOL I couldnt agree more. It did something to my heart to see SO many different races in that audience in support of Obama. I thought it was wonderful. Racism may not be over, but its come a long way. We need to remember to keep Obama in our prayers. We prayed that hed get elected, and he did. Now lets pray that he stays in office. It saddens me to continuously hear people say Oh, hell be assassinated within a year or What, did he forget what happened to MLK? or well, I guess Biden will be president soon, because we know Obama ain gon last long. You all get my drift. Lets pray for his safety and thank GOD for monster lady gaga change that was greatly needed. Ah indeed a beautiful moment in history. Finally, a different face in the White House. I thank God for raising up a leader who actually cares. We as Black people finally came together and accomplished something. Also, we have to thank all whites and hispanics who looked pass color and gender that helped put Barack in office. Ive got a s moobmoob321 and the rest of her monkey shyt slangers??? Boombooms job is done. She came to rile enough of us up enough to make sure wed go out and vote just to piss a boomboom off. She succeeded. I suspect shell be returning in her regular screen name. notonwelfare WTF! Why would you choose to rain on what in most people believe is the most beautiful day in American history? Sit back and enjoy what has happened and I will pray you get peace in your mind and your heart. The Rock is in the building! Today feels like my birthday, Christmas, New Years Eve and the last day of school all rolled into one. I live in Ohio and cannot believe we actually went blue for once! No more Yes We Can. Its Yes we did! OBAMA YALL! Why do MTO stories end in !!!quot For now own, I will STOP calling my kids lil princess and lil prince, it will be my lil PRESIDENT!! DR MARTING LUTHER KING PROTHETIZED THIS HE SAID THAT WE WOULD OVERCOME!!! THE STRUGGLE WASNT IN Mr.

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