Maverick sabre where we gonna go lyrics

Maverick sabre where we gonna go lyrics Nice to see people are open minded enough to choose a black leader over this country. but will all of us be open minded enough to see that our hope and our future does not lie in man no matter what color he is. I choose Gods kingdom because it is a real hope and a promise of good things to come. I patiently await it as it is not far off. Africa is a continent not a country. Therefore I am not Black Negro or African American. Barack Obama has not opened doors for me because I was carving my way before people thought of Barack Obama for president. I stated earlier, I have excepted that fact that he won and McKinney didnt. Once he is inaugurated into office, I maverick sabre where we gonna go lyrics accept it but that does not mean I have to be happy about it. That is what DEMOCRACY is all about. LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE And please dont speak about respect. This is MTO. people come here to disrespect others and to be disrespected. This is not MSNBC! WOW! YOU ARE CRAZZZY! WHAT A TWISTED VIEW YOU HAVE. PEOPLE COME HERE TO BE DISRESPECTED??? GIRL, IM SPEECHLESS. TONIGHT WAS A CELEBRATORY NIGHT FILLED WITH POSITIVE COMMENTS. YOUR COMMENTS AND MAYBE 3 OR 4 OTHERS WERE THE ONLY NEGATIVE ONES. NO ONE CAME ON HER TONIGHT ON THIS PARTICULAR THREAD TO HEAR THIS DUMB CRAP FLOW FROM YOUR COMPUTER. CONGRATULATE THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT AND KEEP IT MOVING, HONEY. SHOW SOME LOVE. DEVELOP A POSITIVE OUTLOOK ON FEELS GOOD, TRY IT. GOOD NITE. I also agree with that statement you just made cutenkinky. we have the freedom to choose what deem fit for us. being black and not being caught up in the whole Obama ferver does not make any of us less black or whatever. we are Americans, human beings who have the right to make whatever choice we make without being criticized for it. I am glad that we can agree to disagree. That shows the mind of a mature person and not someone that has to call names simple because someone does not agree with them. How kindergarten is that? Thank you for being able to see the point that I maverick sabre where we gonna go lyrics trying to make as opposed to seeing me as the dark cloud threatening to rain on the parade.

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