It wasnt me shaggy UK Uncut pointed out that the school

It wasnt me shaggy UK Uncut pointed out that the school sports partnership, one of the programs axed under Cameron s recently implemented cuts, could have been saved if Green was made to pay his taxes. These kinds of lucid examples of corporate theft spoke to the public. More protests and occupations broke out, inspiring journalist Johann Hari to declare in The Nation that this is how the United States might build a progressive Tea Party. Here were real people exercising the method Zinn advocated his whole adult life: average people, building from the bottom up. Now, the UK Uncut movement has come to America. US Uncut just recently launched, but there are already chapters springing up across the country. The whole thing is moving faster than Carl Gibson, the director of US Uncut s founding chapter in Mississippi, could have ever hoped for. This is snowballing so quick, said Gibson. I made the Twitter page and Facebook group and invited a few friends and said, Guys, we ve got to do something about this, and this is right after I read the article about UK Uncut in The Nation that had the ten steps to launching a US Uncut movement, and I got busy. Now, Gibson is helping to coordinate movements in twenty states. UK Uncut it wasnt me shaggy him organize a unified day of protest against the banks. He s spoken with BBC World and The Guardian. Additionally, Gibson says certain US Uncut participants have reached out to the Service Employees International Union SEIU in order to bridge the divide between liberalism s two great abandoned resource pools: the poor and labor. I think this just indicates that people are so, so ready for a movement like this to come out, he said, especially when you consider how the right-wing has stolen the mantle of populism in order to preach corporate propaganda and get people to protest against their own economic self-interest in the Tea Party movement. As part of their efforts to nurture their fledgling counterpart, UK Uncut is helping Gibson locate those easy-to-recite tax dodging figures that captured the attention of Brits everywhere. The figures shouldn t be difficult to find. The IRS estimates that individuals and corporations currently hold 5 trillion in tax haven countries. Nearly two-thirds of corporations pay no taxes at all, and the great vampire squid, Goldman Sachs, which received 10 billion dollars in taxpayer money during the bailout, negotiated their tax rate down to one percent. The entire tax haven scam costs taxpayers as much as 100 billion per year. To help illustrate the massive hole this con game leaves in the budget, consider that President Obama made the recent decision to end the year-round Pell Grant policy in order to save 4 billion in 2011 it wasnt me shaggy 2 billion in 20 Another example: The National Endowment for the Arts NEA and the National Endowment for the Humanities NEH are braced for more than 6 million in cuts, a shortfall that could easily be made up if the US recovers just. 06 percent of the annual taxes owed to it by tax haven criminals. Some of the worst corporate offenders are Hewlett-Packard, Verizon, Chevron, Ford, ExxonMobil and Bank of America. The biggest dodger is General Electric GE, which, during a time of national economic crisis, actually made money on their tax filing in 20 Though the company generated 3 billion in pretax income, it recorded 1 billion in tax benefits. Forbes calls this GE s uncanny ability to lose lots of money in the US and make lots of money overseas, where tax rates are lower. Such activity is also known as tax dodging, but publications like Forbes prefer to avoid such shrill language. Conservatives frequently cite the fact that America s corporate tax rate is 35 percent, which is higher than the average of other industrial countries, but that doesn t take it wasnt me shaggy account these kinds of tax evading practices.

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