It came from hollywood part

It came from hollywood part 1

What isnt typical is the offhanded way it is done here. There are no mushy, insincere exclamations of love. Just casual sex. Which I like. And I find much more honest. There is a scene in the film when Lisbeth walks up to Mikaels bed and they fk. After they are done with what they are doing which is each other, Lisbeth walks away from Mikaels bed and nonchalantly says, Good night. This it came from hollywood part 1 perfectly encapsulates a moment that too many movies rob us ofknowing the difference between hormones and love. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo makes us care about what is happening and who it is happening to, which is essential in not just a good mystery but any good movie which unfortunately too few seem to possess. The movie is confident in its style but not brash about it. The facial expressions, close-up shots on peoples eyes and the use of music all work together to create a symphony of mood, character and feeling. For those with soft stomachs, be forewarned that the violence on display is unflinching. It isnt exploitative but shows the importance of what make people who they are isnt what happens to them but how they react to what happens. The original title of the film seems more it came from hollywood part 1 in certain ways as this film does seem to have a feminist bent to it and shows how women are abused by men and the double standard when they show similar behavior patterns. A nice subtle moment in the film is when Lisbeth is walking down the subway and accidentally bump into a bunch of men. They are pissed that someone, no matter how innocent and unintentional, would dare touch them that they punch Lisbeth in the face, throw her against the wall and pour beer all over her body, then when Lisbeth is defending herself by taking a shard of glass from the remains of the bottle that it came from hollywood part 1 men smashed her with, one member of the gang says, lets get out of here, this cut is crazy, thereby showing how she is called the crazy one and the gang who attacked her views themselves as the victim. Stieg Larssons The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is well worth your time. Smart, sophisticated, superbly acted with well-drawn characters, and so entertaining you forget that you are in the theater watching a movie and feel as if you are inside the screen caught up in all the excitement. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is the first in what I hope will be an excellent trilogy. I eagerly wait for the next installment as the series if off to a great start. When I was in high school there was a teacher who spoke to our grade. The teacher told us a story he said was true. One night, a couple of friends got into one of their fathers car and started calling their best friends on the phone.

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