Dil bole hadippa movie said it

Dil bole hadippa movie

said it would cease carrying rentals in HD DVD. On Friday, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. said it would stop selling HD DVD players and discs. Even with the HD DVD out of its way, Blu-ray isnt likely to be the success that the DVD was, given the many viewing options consumers have. The big advantage of the DVD over broadcast and cable has been that the viewer can choose when to watch what. But that advantage has been eroded by video-on-demand from cable companies, many of which are now in high definition. Comcast Corp. , the countrys largest cable company, plans to offer more than 1, 000 high-def movies this year. Just last week, Apple Inc. upgraded its Apple TV set-top device to enable downloads of high-definition rental movies from the Internet. Microsoft Corp. s Xbox 360 game console also shows downloaded HD rentals. Blu-ray Disc has passed its first real test by beating HD-DVD, wrote David Mercer, an analyst at Strategy Analytics in London. But a much bigger challenge now lies ahead if BD is to become as successful as DVD, and content owners, retailers and manufacturers must now demonstrate that they can work together to promote BD effectively. I think Im going to finally break down and buy the PS3 with a blu-ray player. Game on! Oregon Business News stories with the most comments in the last 7 days. Whats this? The frequent commenter joined the site two years ago and has an eye-catching avatar. Whats this? Whats this? 2011 Oregon Live LLC. All Rights Reserved. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement. Please read our Privacy Policy. by Bill Hunt, Filed under: DVD/Blu-ray, Feature Films TMP-NEM, TOS, TOS Remastered, trackback As reported on Thursday at Digital Bits, select release details and cover art images of Star Trek sets on Blu-ray have leaked from European studio sources, but there s been conflicting information as to what exactly the release will entail here in the USA. We ve checked in repeatedly with Digital Bits and TrekMovie industry sources and we re now able to bring you accurate, updated details. Keep in mind that none of this is official until actual studio announcements are made, and these details are still subject to change. But here s the latest As originally reported back in November on The Digital Bits and TrekMovie, the first six Star Trek feature films will be released on Blu-ray in the USA in May in a six-film Kirk/Spock or Original Series film era box set, each with remastered picture and sound. All six films will be in their original theatrical versions. On Thursday reported that that the European set would not include Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, however sources indicate that Final Frontier will be in the USA set. Other regions may offer different disc configurations/packaging options the leaked image below suggests the first three films will be in a trilogy package in Europe. At least some new extras have been created for new Blu-ray releases, including famous fan commentary tracks for each film, as well as new featureettes for example select scenes from a Klingon performance of Hamlet by the Commedia Beauregard will be packed with Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country see previous report TrekMovie story. It s unknown yet whether these will be Blu-ray exclusive, or if there will be a simultaneous standard DVD release. It is also expected that the four Next Generation feature films Generations, First Contact, Insurrection and Nemesis will get the Blu-ray treatment, at a later date. The biggest news we ve learned is that CBS will finally release Star Trek: The Original Series Season One on Blu-ray on the same street date in May as the movies. The release is currently planned to include both the original broadcast versions as well as the new Remastered versions of each episode. If this happens as planned, it s obviously very cool news, though we re still waiting to hear whether the Blu-rays will include all of the special features that were offered with the previous DVD and HD-DVD/DVD Combo releases of the series. May is still far enough away that it could be a month or more before we see official announcements, but The Digital Bits and Trek are in contact with the studio and we hope to have more to report from them very soon. rockstarcm15 January 23, 2009 TrekMadeMeWonder January 23, 2009 Has anyone metioned a remastered Cage episode? Where is that one? It was the Almost a quantum paradox if you think about it.

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