Anna karenina part 16 My call quality SUCKS

Anna karenina part 16

My call quality SUCKS. I know its NOT verizon becuase a phone right next to it from 2006 on the same network gets crystal clear calls. Maybe an OTA update will fix this. I came from a 4 year old sony ericson with 2 MP and a xenon flash that took pictures leaps and bounds above my 8 MP on or off. screen tap focus or optical button focus. Daylight or nightlight. My camera quality isnt anything decent. Also video quality is choppy and not smooth or high quality. Both are lacking dearly. Both my internal mic and ear piece suck. What I mean by this is that when I talk on the phone, record memos, record videos or leave voice messages to myself. The quality sucks. This may be HTC hardware at fault or software, But the nexus one and all my other past phones are WAY above this quality audio wise. The earpiece is too quiet and sounds distorted. Maybe OTA can fix this as well. This phone anna karenina part 16 SO much well. and Android is to thank for this. I love Sense interface and I love the style and design of this phone. But those things keep me from keeping it for now. but This is my 5th replacement phone and new incredibles wont be shipped for another few weeks after my 30 anna karenina part 16 point is up. I am returning this phone and using a 8 year old LG for pure voice calls/text till the new Incredible ship and HTC updates them OTA to fix the battery/call quality. Or Ill wait for the Motorola shadow to come out and buy that. Both have android 1 and I wouldnt chose anything else. The incredible is a great phone but falls short of being what I expected. Android OS however is amazing. LoL too funny. If you expect a smartphone battery to last 2-3 days with a stock battery then you are better off sticking with your dumbphone that can go a week without an extended battery no smartphone that you actually use will do this. As for the mic and works great but to each their own. Your old phone takes better pictures? Haha too funny. Sorry but no phone will take good pictures in a dark room. Have you even snapped pictures outside during the day? Or even in a decently lit room? I have and they look tits. Tits is LoL too funny. If you expect a smartphone battery to last 2-3 days with a stock battery then you are better off sticking with your dumbphone that can go all without an extended battery no smartphone that you actually use will do this. As for the mic and works great but to each their own.

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