Aamir khan movies Its not that

Aamir khan movies

Its not that Blu-rays licensing is too complicated, its that Jobs demands are MAKING the negotiations complicated. Personally, I dont like the idea of paying 2k for a machine that cant do things that a 900 PC notebook can easily do. I have over 200 BDs, have no interest in iTunes movie store, and have no interest at all in wasting my time ripping those titles, and definitely no interest in re-encoding those titles. When I travel which is very frequently I want to be able to grab a couple dozen titles off the shelf, throw them in the case, and go. No other solution accomplishes that and none are going to anytime soon. I dont claim to be the average consumer, nor do I have any desire to be. Apple has never geared itself toward average consumers anyway theyve always gone after pro-sumers, graphics artists, and video professionals. Yet they dont have Blu-ray, they dont have matte screens, and they dont even have enough ports on alleged pro models do get actual work done. Who exactly do they think their customers are? If they think they can continue being successful just releasing refreshes and getting fanbois apologies to those here who fit that description to keep buying new toys then, Im sorry, but their current success doesnt look likely to continue all that much longer particularly in the current economy. Personally, I dont like the idea of paying 2k aamir khan movies a machine that cant do things that a 900 PC notebook aamir khan movies easily do. But that 900 PC notebook is 2 thick and uses a large tray-loading Blu-ray drive. Its not a 1 thick notebook using a 5mm optical drive for which their are absolutely no BDs available by any BD vendor. If you want a Mac notebook you have to be willing to accept that their slim design does add limitations in which physics cant be overlooked or ignored simply by saying but its a Mac! But that 900 PC notebook is 2 thick and uses a large tray-loading Blu-ray drive. Its aamir khan movies a 1 thick notebook using a 5mm optical drive for which their are absolutely no BDs available by any BD vendor. If you want a Mac notebook you have to be willing to accept that their slim design does add limitations in which physics cant be overlooked or ignored simply by saying but its a Mac! You guys can keep telling yourselves that, but drive availability is NOT an issue and hasnt been for awhile now. Matsushita developed drives for Apple last winter in time for the Feb refresh and Optiarc did it at a lower cost in time for this refresh. You guys are basing your opinion on the fact that no such drives are available at which is ONLY the case because no OEM has placed orders for either drive Apple being the only major OEM who would require such a drive. Notebook drives arent like desktop if no major OEM orders them, they dont go into production. That doesnt mean the physics have yet to be worked out or anything else is causing a delay in production. Engineering samples of both drives exist and Cupertino has both, and the newer Optiarc drive is being though in its tray-load form, in the new Sony TT series. The upcoming Dell Studio XPS 13 will likely use the drive as well, though I dont know if theyll use the slot-load or tray-load variant. BTW, Sonys TT series offers Blu-ray, 1 LED display, DUAL 64GB SSDs in a RAID configuration, and far more ports than the new MBP in a package considerably smaller than the MB or MBP and at leass than 1 thick. Even in a VERY compact package, you can offer FAR more than Apple gives you engineering issues are just an excuse. I stated a fact based on that fact.

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